The importance of humidity control
Relative humidity (RH) indicates the amount of water vapor,in percent, actually in the air compared to the maximum amount that the air could hold under the same conditions.The warmer the air, the more moisture it can hold.
Humidity Control — Humidification and De-humidification
• Maintaining proper humidity levels can reduce number of airborne particles
• Can also reduce the transmission of viruses when the RH is 30-60%
• Prevents human nasal passages from drying out, allowing for the capture of small particles
Humidity can’t be seen, touched or smelled. However, when properly controlled, humidity offers many proven benefits.Humidification during the heating season not only provides comfort, it helps protect the home and its furnishings from the harmful effects of air that’s too dry. In addition,physicians often recommend controlling humidity to guard against dry skin, dry hair, and scratchy throats. It also reduces undesirable winter-time static electricity.
Most people have experienced the effects of indoor RH every day, even if they don’t realize it. Anyone who has taken a hot shower in winter knows the feeling of stepping out into a muggy bathroom that’s 75 degrees with 70%humidity. It’s warm and cozy even though you’ve left the hot water. However, step out into the hallway and things feel drastically different! While the temperature is only a few degrees cooler, the RH is closer to 10%, making you feel like it’s frigid in the rest of the house. Turning up the heat won’t help if RH is not controlled, because the evaporative cooling process will continue.
Example of a WHOLE house HVAC system De-humidifier (REMOVES humidity in warmer months)
Advantages of Aprilaire Dehumidifiers Over Smaller Retail Models
Aprilaire Dehumidifiers are made in the USA and offer superior performance over the foreign-made models sold in big box stores.
Here’s how:
- Product Performance – Aprilaire Dehumidifiers have 8-10 times more CFM over the evaporative coil than smaller retail units.
- HVAC System Integration – Aprilaire models require the expertise of an HVAC professional to install. Therefore installers can mount our dehumidifiers into existing ductwork and use them to energize the main HVAC blower. Also they can be modified to bring in fresh outside air. Units can also work in a localized area, such as a basement or crawlspace, with minimal ducting.
- Safety and Quality – Since 2003, 6.1 million foreign-made models have been recalled due to risk of fire hazard.
- Energy savings – Aprilaire Dehumidifiers cost about $189 less to run during the summer than a cheaper retail model. Aprilaire models also drop the relative humidity 3% below the set point to greatly reduce compressor cycling and energy use. They also have low amp per water removal ratings compared to retail units.
- Intelligent Control Options – Aprilaire standard and Wi-Fi thermostats offer excellent external control of these dehumidifiers. These units also feature smart on-board digital diagnostics for easier troubleshooting.
Proper Control of Excess Humidity for Every Application
- Prevent Over-Cooling – Help reduce high humidity in homes where shorter air conditioner run times fail to remove enough moisture for optimal comfort.
- Easy Installation – Convertible top and side air discharge locations, small cabinet, and no p-trap. Digital control walks installer through initial set-up.
- Attic Installs – Many consumers tighten up their attics to reduce energy loss; but are then faced with a damaging buildup of moisture. Aprilaire High-Capacity Dehumidifiers can remove attic moisture while maintaining energy savings.
- Basement Capacity – Excess moisture in basements creates odors, promotes mold growth, and foundation damage. Unlike small portable units, Aprilaire has a full line of dehumidifiers with the capacity to meet the demanding moisture removal needs of basements.
- Durability and Warranty – Five-year bumper-to-bumper warranty, 15-plus year system life expectancy and e-coated coils that resist corrosion.
Click Here to contact us now to learn more.
If you’re looking for parts for your humidifier on your own, try the link below. Otherwise just contact us for help.